Saturday, 9 November 2013

7.2 Teradata Parallel Transporter - Export Operator Additional Attributes

Additional Required and Optional Attributes

AccountId = 'acctid'
Optional attribute that specifies the account associated with the specified user name.
BlockSize = bytes
Optional attribute that specifies the block size to use when returning data to the client.

The minimum is 256 bytes.
default and maximum are 64330

Note:The BlockSize value cannot be larger than the row size supported by the Teradata Database.
DataEncryption = ‘option’
Optional attribute that enables full security encryption of SQL requests, responses, and data.

Valid values are:
• ‘On’ = All SQL requests, responses, and data are encrypted.
• ‘Off’ = No encryption occurs (default).
DateForm = 'datatype'

Optional attribute that specifies the DATE data type for the Export operator job.

Valid values are:

• 'IntegerDate' = the integer DATE data type (default)
• 'AnsiDate' = the ANSI fixed-length CHAR(10) DATE data type
OutLimit= <records>

Optional attribute that specifies the maximum number of records processed by each instance of the operator.
INTEGER OutLimit = 1000

• If specified, OutLimit value must be greater than 0.
• If OutLimit is not specified, the number of records processed is not limited.
• OutLimit specification applies to each instance of the Export operator and not to the total job.
PrivateLogName = 'logname'

Optional attribute that specifies the name of a log that is maintained by the Teradata PT Logger inside the public log.

The private log contains all of the output provided by the Export operator.

The private log can be viewed using the tlogview command as follows, where jobid is the Teradata PT job name and privatelogname is the value for the Export operator PrivateLogName attribute:

tlogview -j jobid -f privatelogname

If the private log is not specified, all of the output is stored in the public log.
QueryBandSessInfo = 'Query Band
Optional attribute that specifies the Query Band for the duration of the job sessions.

The <Query Band expression> is a set of name=value pairs, separated by a semicolon and ending with a semicolon.

The user defines the Query Band expression, which will look similar to the following example:


QueryBandSessInfo may also be specified as an ARRAY attribute.

Use of the QueryBandSessInfo attribute is subject to the following rules:

• By default, Query Band is off until a valid value appears for the QueryBandSessInfo attribute.
If the QueryBandSessInfo attribute contains a value, the Export operator constructs the necessary SET QUERY BAND SQL and issues it as part of the Load operator SQL sessions to communicate the request to the Te r a d a t a Da t a b a s e .
• The Export operator does not check the Query Band expression, but passes the expression to Teradata Database as is.

If the version of Teradata Database against which the job is being run does not support the Query Band feature, no Query Banding will take place.
However, the operator will ignore the error and run the rest of the job.

• If there is a syntax error in the Query Band expression, Teradata Database will return an error. The Export operator will then terminate the job and report the error to the user.

SelectStmt = 'SELECTstatement(s)'
Required attribute that specifies the Teradata SQL SELECT statement (or statements).
SpoolMode = 'option'
Optional attribute that specifies which spooling mode to use for the answer set.

• 'Spool' tells the Exportoperator to spool the answer set. This is the default.
• 'NoSpool'  tells the Exportoperator to try using the NoSpool method. If NoSpool is not supported, then use Spool.
• 'NoSpoolOnly' tells the Exportoperator to use the NoSpool method only.

If NoSpool is not supported, the job terminates with an error.

TenacityHours = hours
Optional attribute that specifies the number of hours that the Export operator continues trying to log on when the maximum number of Update/Export/ Load jobs are already running on the Teradata Database.

The default value is 4 hours.

To enable the tenacity feature, the hours value must be greater than 0.
Specifying a value of 0 will disable the tenacity feature. Specifying a value of less than 0 terminates the job.

TenacitySleep = minutes
Optional attribute that specifies the number of minutes that the Export operator pauses before retrying a logon operation when the maximum number of Update/Export/Load operator jobs are already running on the Te r a d a t a Da t a b a s e .

The default is 6 minutes.

The minutes value must be greater than 0.

If you specify a value less than 1, the Export operator responds with an error message and terminates the job.
TraceLevel = 'level'

Optional attribute that specifies the types of diagnostic messages that are written by each instance of the operator to the to the public log (or private log, if one is specified using the PrivateLogName attribute)
The trace levels are:
• 'None' = TraceLevel turned off (default).
• 'CLI' = enables the tracing function for CLI-related activities (interaction with the Teradata Database)
• 'PX' = enables the tracing function for activities related to the Teradata PT infrastructure
• 'Oper' = enables the tracing function for operator-specific activities
• 'Notify' = enables the tracing function for activities related to the Notify feature
• 'All' = enables tracing for all of the above activities

The VARCHAR ARRAY can specify more than one value, for
VARCHAR TraceLevel = 'CLI'
VARCHAR TraceLevel = 'OPER'
VARCHAR ARRAY TraceLevel = [ 'CLI' ]
VARCHAR ARRAY TraceLevel = [ 'CLI', 'OPER' ]
WorkingDatabase = 'dbname'
Optional attribute that specifies a database other than the logon database as the default database.

The name of the database that is specified with this attribute is used in the Teradata SQL DATABASE statement that is sent by the operator immediately after connecting the two SQL sessions.

MaxSessions = maxsessions
Optional attribute specifying the maximum number of Export sessions to log on.

The MaxSessions value must be greater than 0. Specifying a value less than 1 terminates the job.

The default is one session per available AMP. The maximum value cannot exceed the number of available AMPs.
MinSessions = minsessions
Optional attribute that specifies the minimum number of sessions required for the Export operator job to continue.

The MinSessions value must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to the maximum number of Export operator sessions.

The default is one session.
LogonMech = ‘string’
Optional attribute that specifies which logon mechanism to use.
Specification of this attribute may be required for some authentication methods.
The job terminates if the attribute exceeds 8 bytes.
LogonMechData = ‘data’
Optional attribute that passes along additional logon data.
Specification of this attribute is required for some external
authentication methods.
LogSQL = 'option'
Optional attribute that controls how much of the job’s SQL to enter into the log.
Valid options are:
• 'Yes' = output the full SQL to the log. The maximum length is 1M.
• 'No' = do not output SQL to the log.
• No value or attribute omitted = accept the pre-defined limit, which displays up to 32K of SQL if all of the SQL is less than 32K. If the SQL to be logged exceeds 32K, truncate the display to the first 32K bytes.
NotifyExit ='inmodname'
Optional attribute that specifies the name of the user-defined notify exit routine.

If no value is supplied, the following default name is used:
• libnotfyext.dllfor Windows platform
• libnotfyex.slfor HP-UX platform
• libnotfyext.sofor all other UNIX platform
• NOTFYEXTfor z/OS platform

NotifyLevel = 'notifylevel'
Optional attribute that indicates the level at which certain events are reported. Valid values are:
• 'Off' = no notification of events is provided (default)
• 'Low' = 'Yes' in the Low Notification Level column
• 'Med' = 'Yes' in the Medium Notification Level column
• 'High' = 'Yes' in the High Notification Level column

NotifyMethod = 'notifymethod'
Optional attribute that indicates the method to be used for reporting events.
The methods are:
• 'None' = no event logging is done (default).
• 'Msg' = sends the events to a log.
• 'Exit' = sends the events to a user-defined notify exit routine.
NotifyString = 'notifystring'
Optional attribute that provides a user-defined string to precede all messages sent to the system log. This string is also sent to the user-defined notify exit
routine. The maximum length of the string is:
• 80 bytes, if the NotifyMethod is 'Exit'
• 16 bytes, if NotifyMethod is 'Msg'

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