Sunday, 10 November 2013

9.2 Teradata Parallel Transporter - Load Operator - Additional Attributes

Additional Optional and Required attributes:

AccountId = 'acctid'

Optional attribute that specifies the account associated with the specified user name.
BufferSize = kbytes

Optional attribute that specifies the output buffer size, in kilobytes, that is used for sending Load parcels to the Teradata Database.

The output buffer size and the size of the rows in the Load table determine the maximum number of rows that can be included in each parcels to the Teradata Database.

A larger buffer size reduces processing overhead by including more
data in each parcels.

Allowable values are 1 through 64, but if you specify a value of 64, the actual buffer size gets set to 64260, which is less than the full 64K. If the value less than 1, an error message results and job terminates.

The default buffer size is also the maximum size allowed

The maximum allowed buffer size is usually 64K bytes.

DataEncryption = ‘option’

Optional attribute that enables full security encryption of SQL requests,
responses, and data.

Valid values are:

• ‘On’ = All SQL requests, responses, and data are encrypted.
• ‘Off’ = No encryption occurs (default).
DateForm = 'datatype'

Optional attribute that specifies the DATE data type for the Load operator job.

Valid values are:

• 'IntegerDate' = the integer DATE data type (default)
• 'AnsiDate' = the ANSI fixed-length CHAR(10) DATE data type

ErrorLimit = errorlimit

Optional attribute that specifies the maximum number of records that can be stored in one of the error tables before the Load operator job is terminated.

The ErrorLimit specification must be greater than 0.

Specifying an invalid value will cause the Load operator to terminate.

By default, ErrorLimit value is unlimited.

The ErrorLimit specification applies to each instance of the Load operator.
ErrorTable1 = 'etname1'

Optional attribute that specifies the name of the first error table.

ErrorTable1 is for containing records that were rejected because of:
• Data conversion errors
• Constraint violations
• AMP configuration changes

These types of errors always occur during the acquisition phase of the Load  operator job.

This must be a new table name. Do not use a name that duplicates the name of an existing table unless you are restarting a paused Load operator job.

The default name for ErrorTable1 is ttname_ET.
ErrorTable2 = 'etname2'

Optional attribute that specifies the name of the second error table.

ErrorTable2 is for containing records that violated the unique primary index constraint.

This type of error always occurs during the application phase of the
Load operator job.

This must be a new table name. You cannot use a name that duplicates an existing table unless you are restarting a paused Load operator job.

The default name for ErrorTable2 is ttname_UV.
DropErrorTable = ‘value’

Optional attribute that specifies whether or not error tables are dropped upon successful completion of the load job, even if the error tables are empty.
Valid values are:
• ‘Yes’ = The Load operator will drop the error table only if empty (default).

Teradata PT automatically executes a DROP TABLE statement.

• ‘No’ = The Load operator will not drop the error table, even if empty. The User must manually execute a DROP TABLE statement on the error table.

If the table is not dropped prior to running a Teradata PT job that would use tables by the same name, running that job may result in a DBS error or in unpredictable results.

DropLogTable = ‘value’

Optional attribute that specifies whether or not restart log table is dropped upon successful complete of the load job.

Valid values are:
• ‘Yes’ = The Load operator will drop the restart log table (default). Teradata PT automatically executes a DROP TABLE statement.

• ‘No’ = The Load operator will not drop the restart log table. The user must manually execute a DROP TABLE statement on the restart log table.

If the table is not dropped prior to running a Teradata PT job that would use the table by the same name, running that job may result in a DBS error or in unpredictable results.

LogTable = 'ltname'

Required attribute that specifies the name of the restart log table that stores checkpoint information for restarting a job.

  • If running a new job, specify a new table name that is different from the name of any existing table). The Load operator then creates a new restart log table.

  • If restarting a paused job, then the restart log table must exist, and the Load operator restarts the job from the last checkpoint. The restarted job will continue using the existing restart log table.

When a job successfully completes, the operator drops the restart log table.

If the restart log table name is not fully qualified, it is created under the user’s default (logon) database. Otherwise, you may specify a working database using the WorkingDatabase attribute.

MaxSessions = maxsessions

Optional attribute that specifies the maximum number of sessions to log on.
  • The MaxSessions value must be greater than 0.
  • Specifying a value less than 1 terminates the job.
  • The default is one session per available AMP.
  • The maximum value cannot exceed the number of available AMPS

MinSessions = minsessions

Optional attribute that specifies the minimum number of sessions required for the Load operator job to continue.

  • The MinSessions value must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to the maximum number of Load operator sessions.
  • Specifying a value less than 1 (the default) terminates the job.

PauseAcq = 'option'

Optional attribute that specifies whether to pause the Load operator job after the acquisition phase or enter the application phase.
'Y[es]' means to pause after the completion of the acquisition phase and skip the application phase.

Value of N[o] or absence of any value for the PauseAcq attribute means that the Load operator job will execute both the acquisition phase and the application phase without pausing.

This will distribute all of the rows that were sent to the Teradata Database during the acquisition phase to their final destination on the AMPs.

QueryBandSessInfo = ‘Query Band expression’
Same as in case of Export Operator.
Ta r ge t Ta b le = 'ttname'

Required attribute that specifies the name of the Load target table to receive the data from the client system.
TenacityHours = hours

Optional attribute that specifies the number of hours that the Load operator
continues trying to log on when the maximum number of load/unload
operations are already running on the Teradata Database.

  • The default value is 4 hours.
  • To enable the tenacity feature, the hours value must be greater than 0.
  • Specifying a value of 0 disables the tenacity feature.
  • Specifying a value of less than 0 terminates the Load job.
TenacitySleep = minutes

Optional attribute that specifies the number of minutes that the Load operator pauses before retrying to log on when the maximum number of load/export operations are already running on the Teradata Database.

  • The minutes value must be greater than 0.
  • If you specify a value less than 1, the Load operator responds with an error message and terminates the job.
  • The default is 6 minutes.
TraceLevel = 'level'

Same as in Export Operator.
WorkingDatabase = 'dbname'

Optional attribute that specifies a database other than the logon database as the default database.

The name of the database that is specified with this attribute is used in the
Teradata SQL DATABASE statement that is sent by the operator immediately after connecting the two SQL sessions.

WildcardInsert= ‘value’
Optional attribute that builds an INSERT statement from the table definition.

Use this attribute to load all of the columns in a table when the columns
contain user-defined types (UDTs).

Valid values are:
• ‘Y[es]’ = Builds an INSERT statement.
• ‘N[o]’ = No activity (default).

If you set this attribute to Ye swhen a valid, fully supported INSERT statement already exists, an error results.

A valid tablenamematches the name of the table used in the TargetTable
attribute and the semicolon is in the last non-whitespace character in the
supplied DML statement as follows:

INS[ERT] [INTO] <tablename> ;

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