Saturday 21 September 2013

3.1 Teradata PT configuration file twbcfg.ini:

Before we start running Teradata parallel transporter we should set up certain files and directories as follows:

  1. Global Variables file : As we had discussed earlier this file is used by all the jobs to read the global variables set up. All the jobs  running on the system read this file.
  1. Checkpoint Directory: Directory for checkpoint files.
  1. Log Directory: Directory for log files.

The name of the configuration file where we can set all this is twbcfg.ini

<installation directory>\twbcfg.ini
<installation directory>/twbcfg.ini
Specified through the DDNAME of AT TRF I L E.

Values in this file are specified in the following format:

<parameter> = <single-quoted string>;

Following is an example of the twbcfg.ini file on unix:

GlobalAttributeFile = '/usr/tbuild/<version_number>/global.jobvariables.txt';
CheckPointDirectory = '/usr/tbuild/<version_number>/checkpoint';
LogDirectory = '/var/log/tbuild';

To find the tpt installation directory use the 'which tbuild' command. This will give you the name of the bin directory that contains the tbuild executable.

which tbuild

A level above bin directory is where the twbcfg.ini is located.
(note the directory name is specific to my system. It might be a bit different at your installation)

/apps/tpt13.1/teradata/client/13.10/tbuild> ls
bin          inc          lib64        msg          sample       tptapi       twboper.ini
checkpoint   lib          logs         msg64        template     twbcfg.ini   version

Following are the contents on this file twbcfg.ini on my installation.

more twbcfg.ini

We don’t have the global variables file specified.

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