Saturday 21 September 2013

3.3 Initial Setup for Teradata database and Client system ( non- mandatory)

Many times there is some initial set up that needs to be done at both the database end and also the client end.

At the database end we might need to Drop error tables and then set up the target table for a job that loads data into Teradata Database. We can also  drop staging tables from previous steps when employed in multi-step jobs.

This can be done using the  DDL operator.
We need to write a 1st step that uses DDL operator to perform the drop and create table operations.

Similarly at the client side we may need to perform certain operations like copying file to a different directory or unzip it before using it.
Such things can be taken care by the OS command operator. We can define 1st step that uses the OS operator to run a client operating system command to move the files of unzip them.

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